Joining the lab

Postdocs, undergraduates and graduate students are invited to join the lab at any time! We welcome individuals who would like to gain and share experience in fungal biology, evolutionary biology, ecology of fungal-plant interactions, population genetics, molecular and cell biology. Please contact Teresa to discuss possible research projects and funding opportunities. Graduate students and postdocs will be encouraged to develop and pursue independent projects tailored to their own interests, which they can take with them when they leave. Undergraduate students will be able to gain research experience by participation in the ongoing lab projects.

Undergraduate students:
Credit-bearing courses, honors research, volunteer or paid positions could provide a framework for research experience in the lab. Information about these venues is available at the Office of Undergraduate Biology.

Prospective graduate students:
Please apply to the Cornell University Graduate School in the Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology or Microbiology Graduate Field.

Prospective postdocs:
Funding for specific projects is periodically available in the lab but postdocs are always welcome to join the lab and encouraged to pursue (with Teresa's help) independent funding sources.

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