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Management of Organic Inputs in Soils of the Tropics Logo

Affiliated with the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD)

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The Management of Organic Inputs in Soils of the Tropics (MOIST) Group at Cornell University is an interdisciplinary working group set up in 1994 under the sponsorship of the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development (CIIFAD) to investigate and exchange information on cover crops, green manures, managed fallows and mulches in tropical farming systems. The original group name "Mulch-based Agriculture" (MBA) was changed to "Management of Organic Inputs in Soils of the Tropics" (MOIST) in order to reflect the group's wider interest in optimizing the management of organic inputs for harnessing the biological potential of legumes, manures, residues, and soil fauna to improve and sustain evolving agricultural systems in Asia, Africa and Latin America. MOIST coordinates development of the TropSCORE Consortium's Worldwide Portal to Information on Soil Health.

what's new Cover Crop Listserv Archives (Mulch-L, Evecs-L, Coberagri-L) what's new Legume Research Network Project's Newsletters (Kenya)
what's new Learning Modules for soil health and organic resources what's new System of Rice Intensification
- the new SRI Website
what's new On-line GMCC Extension Guides
what's new Food and Feed from Mucuna
- Proceedings and Bibliography

The Management of Organic Inputs in Soils of the Tropics (MOIST) Group
443 Warren Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853

"Sustainable Agriculture With A Sense of Humus"

Cornell International Institute
for Food, Agriculture and Development
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Cornell University

Comments, Suggestions, Feedback
last updated: October 20, 2005
© copyright 2005 Cornell University