PINE ROOT COLLAR WEEVIL  ( Hylobius radicis )

  The pine root collar weevil, closely resembles the Pales weevil in appearance. These weevils prefer to feed on healthy, open grown trees. Young females emerge in May and lay eggs in the root collar areas of pine and other conifer species. Both the adults and larvae feed on the inner bark at the root collar level. In addition, all stages of the insect can be found throughout the growing season as the weevil may lay eggs through September.

  Roots and root collars affected by this weevil may produce large quantities of resin which flows from the wounds and may saturate the soil. In fact, resin-saturated soil is a good key to identification of the root collar weevil. Trees infested with the insect may continue to live for up to 2 to 4 years after initial infestation. A registered insecticide may be used to treat this weevil in approximately mid-June or at 618-912 GDD. The role of natural enemies in regulating these weevils is yet unknown.

Fig.1. The tree shown on the right has been killed by the feeding activity of the pine root collar weevil. The tree on the left has also been attacked and may eventually die.

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