Reading Assignment for April 22

click title to download the paper as a pdf file

Characterization of Natural and Induced Variation in the LOV1 Gene, a CC-NB-LRR Gene Conferring Victorin Sensitivity and Disease Susceptibility in Arabidopsis
Teresa A. Sweat, Jennifer M. Lorang, Erica G. Bakker, and Thomas J. Wolpert
MPMI Vol. 21, No. 1, 2008, pp. 7-19.

Please read the whole paper, and come prepared to present and discuss the section to which you are assigned (see below). Also read Materials & Methods relevant to your bit. If you will not be able to attend on Wednesday at 1:25, please let us know so we can reassign your section.


Background: Stephen

Results AND associated Methods
Loss-of-function lov1 alleles/Characterization of mutants with reduced sensitivity to victorin. Tiffany
Comparison of lov1 versus rpm1 mutant alleles. Bradford
Comparison to RPP8 family members.     Shawn
Sampling of natural LOV1 allelic diversity/Sequencing of LOV1 alleles from A. thaliana ecotypes.  Marin
Evaluation of the insensitive alleles/ Polymorphisms in sensitive alleles.  Christine
Geographic differentiation/Sequencing of LOV1 from other species. Dan
Population genetic analysis of LOV1 alleles.   Omer

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